Students with their published book
FCCLA Students at State Conference
Team 4125 receiving award at SunDome Event.
Calendars cover image
FRC students working on robot
Picture of charcuterie board
Pizza Challenge Judging
Hallway Charlie Brown Decor
Viking Production students working
Pictured left to right Superintendent Gustavo Balderas (Beaverton), Superintendent Sue Riekke Smith (Tigard Tualitin), Superintendent Ryan Noss (Corvallis), teacher and robotics mentor Kyle Sipe (Umatilla), Superintendent and robotics mentor Heidi Sipe (Umatilla), U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, J. Rincon and Gael Valenzuela
Blood Drive donor and support person
Umatilla Vikings with their STEP up Themed Gear
Jonathon Rome and his AAOT degree
School Site
Students from Ready, Set, Engineer build a domino train
Team photo of softball girls
Seal of Biliteracy Students