We are excited to announce our new leadership team at Umatilla High School! To read about the hiring process and each leader, please visit the following link. https://www.umatilla.k12.or.us/article/1570998 – ¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar nuestro nuevo equipo de liderazgo en Umatilla High School! Para leer sobre el proceso de contratación y cada líder, visite el siguiente enlace. https://www.umatilla.k12.or.us/article/1570998
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Umatilla High School Leadership Team
Umatilla High School Leadership Team
The City of Umatilla has inmate crews helping with spring clean-up again this week. Please visit with your students about refraining from interacting with the crews. Thank you!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Spring clean up
Happy Administrative Professionals Day! We want to give a big thank you to all our school secretaries and office staff at USD for their invaluable contribution to keeping us organized and running smoothly. Your efforts behind the scenes do not go unnoticed. We appreciate your dedication to students, families, and staff! – ¡Feliz día del Profesional Administrativo! Queremos agradecer enormemente a todas las secretarías escolares y al personal de oficina de USD por su invaluable contribución para mantenernos organizados y funcionando sin problemas. Tus esfuerzos detrás de escena no pasan desapercibidos. ¡Apreciamos su dedicación a los estudiantes, las familias y el personal!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Happy Administrative Professionals Day! April 24, 2024. Thank you for all you do!
Today is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Please join us in thanking the incredible team at Mid Columbia Bus Company for their dedication to transporting our students day in and day out. We appreciate all that you do! – ¡Hoy es el Día de Agradecimiento al Conductor de Autobús Escolar! Únase a nosotros para agradecer al increíble equipo de Mid Columbia Bus Company por su dedicación al transporte de nuestros estudiantes día tras día. ¡Apreciamos todo lo que haces!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. April 23rd, 2024. Thank you for always going the extra mile!
Happy Earth Day! Today Mr. Russell’s Exploring Trades classes and the UHS Leadership class transformed the front of UHS by planting vibrant flowers. HUGE thank you to Hermiston Walmart for donating flowers and soil and to Miguel Escobedo for helping organize this project! – ¡Feliz día de la Tierra! Hoy, las clases de Exploración de Oficios del Sr. Russell y la clase de Liderazgo de UHS transformaron el frente de UHS al plantar flores vibrantes. ¡Muchísimas gracias a Hermiston Walmart por donar flores y tierra y a Miguel Escobedo por ayudar a organizar este proyecto!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Students holding flowers
Students planting flowers
Students planting flowers
Walmart employees helping plant flowers
Student planting flowers
Student planting flowers
Student planting flower
Students putting together planter boxes
Group photo of students in front of planted flowers
Photo of planted flowers and planter boxes
Registrations are now open for the Umatilla Parks and Recreation Youth Soccer League! Take advantage of the early bird pricing by signing your child up now! Register using the following link. https://umatillaparksandrec.org/events/youth-soccer-league/ – ¡Las inscripciones ya están abiertas para la Liga de Fútbol Juvenil de Parques y Recreación de Umatilla! ¡Aproveche el precio por reserva anticipada inscribiendo a su hijo ahora! Regístrese utilizando el siguiente enlace. https://umatillaparksandrec.org/events/youth-soccer-league/
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Umatilla Parks & Recreation Youth Soccer League. Coming Soon! Registration opens April 1st. Games begin June 15th. For boys and girls ages 3-13.  Email tonia.ruebsamen@umatilla.gov for more info
Umatilla Parks & Recreation Liga de Fútbol para jovenes Comienza Pronto! Registracion empieza 1 de abril. Juegos comienzan el 15 de junio. Para Niños y Niñas edades 3-13. Ponte en contacto con Tonia por correo electronico para mas informacion tonia.ruebsamen@umatilla.gov
We had an amazing time connecting with families yesterday at Dual Language Family Night! Parents not only gained insights into what students are learning in the classroom but also enjoyed participating in fun activities. Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped make this event a success! – ¡Ayer pasamos un tiempo increíble conectándonos con las familias en la Noche Familiar de Idioma Dual! Los padres no sólo obtuvieron información sobre lo que los estudiantes están aprendiendo en el aula, sino que también disfrutaron participando en actividades divertidas. ¡Gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron y ayudaron a que este evento fuera un éxito!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Parents learning of resources available
Parent participating in fun game
Parent participating in fun game
Students listening to story
Parents learning more of the dual language program
Students working on an activity
Parents participating in a fun game
Parents learning more about the dual language program
Parents participating in a fun activity
Parents participating in a fun game
Game update/Actualización de juego The UHS Softball game vs Burns, scheduled for April 19th, has been moved to April 18th. The first game will start at 1pm and the second game will start at 3pm. – El juego de softbol de UHS contra Burns programado para el 19 de abril se trasladó al 18 de abril. El primer partido comenzará a las 1pm y el segundo a las 3pm.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Parents and families! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to order CBMS gear from the Clara Brownell Middle School Online Team Shop. Act now before the shop closes on April 30th! Check out all the gear options available and order using the following link. https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/ceAKYmXSST – ¡Padres y familias! No pierda la oportunidad de pedir equipo CBMS en la tienda del equipo en línea de Clara Brownell Middle School. ¡Actúe ahora antes de que la tienda cierre el 30 de abril! Consulte todas las opciones de equipo disponibles y haga su pedido utilizando el siguiente enlace. https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/ceAKYmXSST
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
CBMS Gear Preview
Kinder registration is approaching soon! It will take place at McNary Heights, May 13th-17th, from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Check out the flyer below for more details! – ¡Pronto se acerca la inscripción para Kinder! Tendrá lugar en McNary Heights, del 13 al 17 de mayo, de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm. ¡Consulte el folleto a continuación para obtener más detalles!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Umatilla School District (541) 922-6650 McNary Heights Elementary Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25 School Year. Dates: May 13th-17th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Location: McNary Heights Elementary School 120 Columbia Blvd. Umatilla, OR 97882. What to bring: Copy of birth certificate, and copy of immunization record. We can make copies if needed. Special info: Student must be 5yrs old by September 1st, 2024 to enroll in Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year. Enrollment Questions: Isabel Cruz-español (cruzi@umatillasd.org) Erin Iveson (ivesone@umatillasd.org) Sandra Pacheco-español (pachecos@umatillasd.org) Translators available: All forms available in English and Spanish. Spanish speaking staff on hand for assistance.
Umatilla School District (541) 922-6650 Escuela Primaria McNary Heights Inscripción para Kindergarten para el año escolar 2024-25. Fechas: Mayo 13th-17th 9:00am a 2:00pm Ubicacion: McNary Heights Elementary School 120 Columbia Blvd. Umatilla, OR 97882. Traer: Copia de acta de nacimiento, copia del registro de vacunas. Nosotros podemos haver copias si lo necesita. Información especial: El estudiante debe tener 5 ańos de edad para el 1 de septiembre de 2024 para inscribirse en Kindergarten para el ańo escolar 2024-25. Preguntas sobre inscripciones: Isabel Cruz-español (cruzi@umatillasd.org) Erin Iveson (ivesone@umatillasd.org) Sandra Pacheco-español (pachecos@umatillasd.org) Interpretes Disponibles: Todas las formas estan disponibles en Ingles y Español. Personal que habla Español disponible para asistencia.
Last Friday, CBMS recognized students who made the honor roll with a fun assembly! Students who received a 3.5 GPA or higher for 3rd quarter were celebrated and got to participate in tug-of-war games. Congratulations to all the honor roll students! Keep up the great work, Vikings! – ¡El viernes pasado, CBMS reconoció a los estudiantes que llegaron al cuadro de honor con una asamblea divertida! Los estudiantes que recibieron un GPA de 3.5 o más durante el tercer trimestre fueron celebrados y pudieron participar en juegos de tug-of-war. ¡Felicitaciones a todos los estudiantes que llegaron al Cuadro de Honor! ¡Sigan con el gran trabajo, Vikings!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Group photo of students who received honor roll for third quarter
Group photo of students who received honor roll for third quarter
Group photo of students who received honor roll for third quarter
Photo of students playing tug-of-war
Photo of students playing tug-of-war
Photo of students playing tug-of-war
Photo of students playing tug-of-war
Photo of students playing tug-of-war
Photo of students playing tug-of-war
Photo of students playing tug-of-war
The City of Umatilla has inmate crews helping with spring clean-up again this week from Tuesday to Friday. Please visit with your students about refraining from interacting with the crews. Thank you!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Spring Clean-up cover image
Umatilla High School recently held an Attendance Madness Tournament for their 5th period classes! Mrs. Swarat and Mr. Quam’s classes made it to the championship. After a close competition, Mrs. Swarat’s class won with an average of 90% attendance compared to Mr. Quams with 88% attendance. Mrs. Swarat’s class celebrated with donuts! – ¡La Escuela Preparatoria Umatilla celebró recientemente un Torneo de Locura de Asistencia para sus clases del quinto período! Las clases de la Sra. Swarat y el Sr. Quam llegaron a la final. Después de una competencia reñida, la clase de la Sra. Swarat ganó con un promedio de asistencia del 90% en comparación con el Sr. Quams con una asistencia del 88%. ¡La clase de la Sra. Swarat celebró con donas!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Photo of Mrs. Swarat and her 5th period classes enjoying donuts.
March Madness Attendance Bracket
Students at MHES, don’t forget to keep logging into Clever at home for your chance to win fun prizes! – Estudiantes de MHES, ¡no olviden seguir iniciando sesión en Clever en casa para tener la oportunidad de ganar premios divertidos!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Earn fun prizes by doing online learning at home. Log in with your clever badge at www.clever.com to do... MobyMax, myOn, Imagine Español, IXL, Imagine Language, ExploreLearning. Prizes for students with the most at home work in each app, as well as random drawing for anyone who logs in to do online learning at home! For questions or to reprint a student clever badge please contact Melina Enkey. Call/text: 541-626-6166. Email: enkeym@umatillasd.org
Gana premios divertidos haciendo aprendizaje en línea en casa inicie sesión con su insignia "Clever" en www.clever.com para hacer Moby Max, myOn, Imagine Español, IXL, Imagine Language, ExploreLearning. Premios para los estudiantes con la mayor cantidad de trabajo en casa en cada aplicación, así como sorteos aleatorios para cualquiera que inicie sesión para aprender en línea en casa! Si tiene preguntas o desea reimprimir una insignia Clever, por favor contacta a Melina Enkey llama/texto: 541-626-6166 correo electrónico: enkeym@umatillasd.org
Congratulations to the winners at MHES who spent the most minutes doing online school work from home or showed the most growth in the month of March! Keep up the great work, Mustangs! – ¡Felicitaciones a los ganadores de MHES que pasaron la mayor cantidad de minutos haciendo tareas escolares en línea desde casa o mostraron el mayor crecimiento en el mes de marzo! ¡Sigan con el gran trabajo, Mustangs!
11 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Photo of winners holding their prizes
Summer School registrations are now open! Please register by clicking the link below or scanning the QR Code. Deadline is May 31st. Registration received after this date will be placed on a waitlist. Paper forms are also available in all school offices. K-8th Grade: https://forms.gle/u7qbPP92QtJTPsNg9 9-12th Grade: https://forms.gle/xjfyzg9c9tokM6bo6 – ¡Las inscripciones para la escuela de verano ya están abiertas! Regístrese haciendo clic en el enlace a continuación o escaneando el código QR. La fecha límite es el 31 de mayo. Las inscripciones recibidas después de esta fecha se colocarán en una lista de espera. Los formularios en papel también están disponibles en todas las oficinas de la escuela. Grados K-8: https://forms.gle/u7qbPP92QtJTPsNg9 Grados 9-12: https://forms.gle/xjfyzg9c9tokM6bo6
11 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
June 17 - July 25, Monday - Thursday, Umatilla at Umatilla High School. Summer School Registration. K-8th Grade QR Code. 9-12th Grade QR Code
17 de Junio al 25 de Julio, Lunes a Jueves, en la Escuela Secundaria Umatilla. Escuela de Verano Registro. Grados K-8 Código QR. Grados 9-12 Código QR
The City of Umatilla has inmate crews helping with spring clean-up downtown this week. Please visit with your students about refraining from interacting with the crews. Thank you!
11 months ago, Umatilla School District
work crew
Congratulations to Clara Brownell Middle School’s students of the month for February! We are proud of you, Vikings! Not pictured: Tony Armenta – ¡Felicitaciones a los estudiantes del mes de febrero de Clara Brownell Middle School! ¡Estamos orgullosos de ustedes, Vikings! Sin foto: Tony Armenta
11 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Student of the Month for February
Student of the Month for February
Student of the Month for February
Student of the Month for February
Student of the Month for February
Umatilla High School’s annual home track meet is this Friday, April 12th! Seniors will be recognized at 11:35am. Field events start at 12pm and running events start at 1pm. – ¡La competencia anual de atletismo en casa de Umatilla High School es este viernes 12 de abril! Los atletas de grado doce serán reconocidos a las 11:35am. Los eventos de campo comienzan a las 12:00pm y los eventos de carrera comienzan a las 1:00pm.
11 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Umatilla High School River's Edge. Umatilla's Annual Home Track Meet. April 12, 2024, 12pm. Field events start at noon. Running events start at 1:00pm. Senior Recognition will be at 11:35am.
Don’t forget Spring Conferences are this week! Conference times for each school can be found below. Umatilla High School Thursday, April 11th, from 3:00pm - 7:00pm Friday, April 12th, from 12:30pm - 3:00pm Clara Brownell Middle School Thursday, April 11th, from 3:00pm - 5:00pm; 5:30pm - 7:00pm Friday, April 12th, from 12:30pm - 3:00pm McNary Heights Elementary School Thursday, April 11th, from 1:15pm - 8:00pm Friday, April 12th, from 8:00am - 4:00pm - ¡No olvide que las conferencias de primavera son esta semana! Los horarios de las conferencias para cada escuela se pueden encontrar a continuación. Escuela Preparatoria de Umatilla Jueves 11 de abril, de 3:00pm a 7:00pm Viernes 12 de abril, de 12:30pm a 3:00pm Escuela Secundaria Clara Brownell Jueves 11 de abril, de 3:00pm a 5:00pm; 5:30pm - 7:00pm Viernes 12 de abril, de 12:30pm a 3:00pm Escuela primaria McNary Heights Jueves 11 de abril, de 1:15pm a 8:00pm Viernes 12 de abril, de 8:00am a 4:00 pm
11 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Parent/Teacher Conference