Today is School Nurse Appreciation Day! Please join us in thanking our school nurses for the important role they play in keeping our students healthy, in school, and ready to learn. Thank you for all the support and care that you provide! We appreciate you, nurses Tamara and Trista! #SchoolNurseDay – ¡Hoy es el Día de Agradecimiento a la Enfermera Escolar! Únase a nosotros para agradecer a nuestras enfermeras escolares por el importante trabajo que desempeñan para mantener a nuestros estudiantes sanos, en la escuela y listos para aprender. ¡Gracias por todo el apoyo y la atención que brindas! ¡Las apreciamos, enfermeras Tamara y Trista! #DíaDeLaEnfermeraEscuela
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Happy School Nurses Day! May 8th, 2024. Thank you for all you do!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Please join us in thanking our amazing teachers who go above and beyond for our students. We appreciate their dedication and unwavering commitment to helping Umatilla students grow. Thank you, for ALL you do! #TeacherAppreciationWeek – ¡Feliz Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros! Únase a nosotros para agradecer a nuestros increíbles maestros que hacen todo lo posible por nuestros estudiantes. Apreciamos su dedicación y compromiso inquebrantable para ayudar a los estudiantes de Umatilla a crecer. ¡Gracias por todo lo que hacen!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Thank you for all you do!
What a great spirit week! From fun assemblies and dress-up days to creative prom proposals, students and staff had a blast. Today’s final theme was “School Colors.” – ¡Qué gran semana espiritual! Desde asambleas divertidas y días de disfraces hasta propuestas creativas para prom, los estudiantes y el personal se divirtieron muchísimo. El tema final de hoy fue "Colores escolares".
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Group photo of students dressed for school colors day
Group photo of students dressed for school colors day
Group photo of students dressed for school colors day
Students playing fun assembly game
Students playing fun assembly game
Students playing fun assembly game
Students playing fun assembly game
Photo of Prom Proposal
Photo of Prom Proposal
Photo of Prom Proposal
Today is School Lunch Hero Day! Please join us as we recognize our school lunch professionals and the critical role they play in helping children succeed in and out of the classroom. They are essential to making sure our students eat well and learn. We're so grateful for all you do everyday! #SchoolLunchHeroDay – ¡Hoy es el Día del Héroe del Almuerzo Escolar! Únase a nosotros para reconocer a nuestros profesionales de almuerzos escolares y el trabajo fundamental que desempeñan para ayudar a los niños a tener éxito dentro y fuera del aula. Son esenciales para garantizar que nuestros estudiantes coman bien y aprendan. ¡Estamos muy agradecidos por todo lo que haces cada día! #DíadelHéroedelAlmuerzoEscolar
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
School Lunch Hero Day
Thursday’s Spirit week theme was “Dream vs Nightmare!” Students dressed in dark colors to represent nightmares and vibrant colors to represent dreams. Which side do you think won? – El tema de la Semana del Espíritu del jueves fue “¡Sueño contra Pesadilla!” Los estudiantes se vistieron con colores oscuros para representar pesadillas y colores vibrantes para representar sueños. ¿Qué lado crees que ganó?
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Group photo of students dressed up
Group photo of students dressed up
Group photo of students dressed up
Group photo of students dressed up
Students playing a friendly game of basketball at assembly
Students playing a friendly game of basketball at assembly
Students playing a friendly game of basketball at assembly
Students playing a friendly game of basketball at assembly
Students and staff playing a friendly game of basketball at assembly
students and staff playing a friendly game of basketball at assembly
Lights, camera, action! Wednesday’s spirit week theme was “Hollywood Stars.” From iconic movie characters to beloved singers, our students and staff shined as their favorite celebrities. – ¡Luces, cámara, acción! El tema de la semana espiritual del miércoles fue “Estrellas de Hollywood”. Desde personajes icónicos de películas hasta queridos cantantes, nuestros estudiantes y personal brillaron como sus celebridades favoritas.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Students dressed up as Hollywood stars
Students dressed up as Hollywood stars
Students dressed up as Hollywood stars
Students dressed up as Hollywood stars
Students and teachers playing a fun assembly game
Student playing a fun assembly game
Students playing a fun assembly game
students playing a fun assembly game
Students playing a fun assembly game
Students playing a fun assembly game
Congratulations to Clara Brownell Middle School’s students of the month for March and April! We are proud of you, Vikings. Keep up the great work! – ¡Felicitaciones a los estudiantes del mes de marzo y abril de Clara Brownell Middle School! Estamos orgullosos de ustedes, Vikings. ¡Sigan con el gran trabajo!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Clara Brownell Middle School March students of the month
Clara Brownell Middle School April students of the month
Happy School Principals Day! Please join us in thanking our principals for being incredible leaders! We appreciate their dedication, guidance, and unwavering commitment to students & staff. Thank you for All that you do! #SchoolPrincipalDay – ¡Feliz día de los directores de escuela! ¡Únase a nosotros para agradecer a nuestros directores por ser líderes increíbles! Apreciamos su dedicación, orientación y compromiso inquebrantable con los estudiantes y el personal. ¡Gracias por todo lo que haces! #DíadelDirectorEscuela
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Happy Principals Day! Thank you for everything you do. We're lucky to have you!
Tuesday’s spirit week theme was “Pajama Day!” Students and teachers dressed in their coziest attire with fluffy slippers and comfy robes. Who says you can’t conquer the day in pajamas? – El tema de la semana espiritual del martes fue "¡Día del Pijama!" Estudiantes y maestros vestidos con sus atuendos más cómodos, pantuflas suaves y batas cómodas. ¿Quién dice que no se puede conquistar el día en pijama?
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Group photo of students dressed in pajamas
Group photo of students dressed in pajamas
Group photo of students dressed in pajamas
Group photo of students dressed in pajamas
Students participating in fun assembly game
Students participating in fun assembly game
Students participating in fun assembly game
Students participating in fun assembly game
Students participating in fun assembly game
Students participating in fun assembly game
Lunch menus for May can be found below or can be downloaded from our website using the following link. – Los menús de almuerzo para mayo se pueden encontrar a continuación o se pueden descargar desde nuestro sitio web mediante el siguiente enlace.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
McNary Menu May 2024
Secondary Menu May 2024
Prom Spirit Week is in full swing at UHS! Yesterday’s dress up theme was “Staff Stars,” where students rocked their best teacher impressions, and teachers pulled off their best student looks. Students are also participating in fun assemblies every day! Stay tuned for today’s looks. – ¡La Semana del Espíritu del Prom ha comenzado en UHS! El tema de vestimenta de ayer fue "Estrellas del Personal", donde los estudiantes lucieron sus mejores impresiones de maestros, y los maestros lograron su mejor imitación de estudiantes. ¡Los estudiantes también están participando en divertidas asambleas todos los días! Estén atentos para los estilos de hoy.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Group photo of students dressed up
Group photo of students dressed up
Group photo of students dressed up
Group photo of students dressed up
Group photo of students dressed up
Students competing in assembly competitions
Students competing in assembly competitions
Students competing in assembly competitions
Students competing in assembly competitions
There is an ambulance at MHES helping an adult. There is no need for alarm, all is well.
10 months ago, Jennifer Franks
Last chance to order CBMS gear is today! Order using the following link. - ¡La última oportunidad para ordenar equipo de CBMS es hoy! Ordenar utilizando el siguiente enlace.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Clara Brownell Middle School order page
This past Saturday, the girl's varsity tennis team represented Umatilla High School at the Oregon Girls Leadership Summit (OGSLS) at Oregon Episcopal School in Portland, OR. The OGSLS was designed to give female student-athletes in grades 8-12, with an interest in leadership, the preparation they need to succeed. They were able to join others from around the state to hear from female mentors, discuss topics in small groups, and practice leadership skills that will help them succeed as both athletes and leaders. During the event, they had the opportunity to meet former WNBA player Dr. Chantel "Auntie" Tremitiere. – El sábado pasado, el equipo de tenis de niñas representó a la Escuela Preparatoria Umatilla en la Conferencia de Liderazgo de Niñas de Oregón (OGSLS) en la Escuela Episcopal de Oregón en Portland, Oregón. La OGSLS fue diseñada para brindar a las estudiantes-atletas de los grados 8 al 12, con interés en el liderazgo, la preparación que necesitan para tener éxito. Pudieron unirse a otras personas de todo el estado para escuchar a mentoras, discutir temas en grupos pequeños y practicar habilidades de liderazgo que las ayudarán a tener éxito como atletas y líderes. Durante el evento, tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a la ex jugadora de la WNBA, Dra. Chantel "Auntie" Tremitiere.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Varsity tennis team group photo
group photo with Dr. Chantel "Auntie" Tremitiere
Photo of all students at the summit
The secure lock down drill has concluded at McNary. Thank you to everyone who helped with this safety drill! - El simulacro cierre planificado y seguro ha concluido en McNary. ¡Gracias a todos los que ayudaron con este simulacro de seguridad!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Thank you to the City of Umatilla for putting together a terrific Arbor Day celebration and inviting our 5th-grade students to participate! Our students had a blast learning about water safety and wilderness safety, as well as making bird feeders and running through the inflatable obstacle course! – ¡Gracias a la Ciudad de Umatilla por organizar una fantástica celebración del Día del Árbol e invitar a nuestros estudiantes de quinto grado a participar! ¡Nuestros estudiantes se divirtieron mucho aprendiendo sobre seguridad en el agua y seguridad en la naturaleza, así como haciendo comederos para pájaros y corriendo por el circuito de obstáculos inflables!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Students making bird feeders
Students making bird feeders
Students learning about wilderness safety
Students looking at a map
Students learning about water safety
Students learning about water safety
Student on the obstacle course
Student on the obstacle course
Student on the obstacle course
Student on the obstacle course
There is a planned and secure lockdown drill scheduled today for 2pm at McNary Heights. There is no cause for alarm and all is well. – Hay un simulacro de cierre planificado y seguro programado para hoy a las 2pm en McNary Heights. No hay motivo de alarma y todo está bien.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Congratulations to the Umatilla High School boys golf team on winning first place at the Mac-Hi Invitational! Also, special shout out to Miles Franks for winning first place in a playoff! Keep up the fantastic work, Vikings! – ¡Felicitaciones al equipo de golf masculino de Umatilla High School por ganar el primer lugar en el Mac-Hi Invitational! ¡Además, un agradecimiento especial a Miles Franks por ganar el primer lugar en un desempate! ¡Sigan con el fantástico trabajo, Vikings!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Photo of boys golf team
This week was Afterschool Professionals Week! Please join us in thanking all our afterschool professionals for providing quality programs that make a difference in the lives of our youth! Thank you for positively influencing students’ development during out-of-school hours and for all that you do. You are the #HeartOfAfterschool! – ¡Esta semana fue la Semana de los profesionales después de la escuela! ¡Únase a nosotros para agradecer a todos nuestros profesionales extracurriculares por brindar programas de calidad que marcan la diferencia en las vidas de nuestros jóvenes! Gracias por influir positivamente en el desarrollo de los estudiantes fuera del horario escolar y por todo lo que hace. ¡Ustedes son el corazón de Afterschool!
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Happy Afterschool Professionals Week! We appreciate you!
We are excited to announce our new leadership team at Umatilla High School! To read about the hiring process and each leader, please visit the following link. – ¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar nuestro nuevo equipo de liderazgo en Umatilla High School! Para leer sobre el proceso de contratación y cada líder, visite el siguiente enlace.
10 months ago, Elizebeth Burres
Umatilla High School Leadership Team
Umatilla High School Leadership Team