December Calendars for each school are posted below!
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
MHES Calendar
CBMS Calendar
UHS Calendar
Umatilla School District Staff Spotlight
about 2 years ago, Karyna Lopez-Meraz
Umatilla School District Staff Spotlight
The deadline for submitting senior portraits for the yearbook is Friday, December 16th. Please email a digital copy to Mrs. Lougee, or bring a hard copy to the high school that we can scan and return to you. La fecha límite para enviar retratos de estudiantes de grado doce para el anuario es el viernes 16 de diciembre. Envíe una copia digital por correo electrónico a la Sra. Lougee, o traiga una copia impresa a la escuela preparatoria para que podamos escanearla y devolverla.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Senior Portraits due Dec. 16th
McNary Heights Thankful Video Part Two. Video agradecido de McNary Heights, Segunda Parte.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Happy Thanksgiving! This is a reminder that the Umatilla School District will not have school from today, November 23rd, to Friday, November 25th. School will resume on November 28th. ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! Este es un recordatorio de que el Distrito Escolar de Umatilla no tendrá clases desde hoy, 23 de noviembre, hasta el viernes 25 de noviembre. La escuela se reanudará el 28 de noviembre.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Due to illness, there will be no school Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022. Please see the letter here for more information: The MHES Thanksgiving Feast will be rescheduled for December 1st.
about 2 years ago, Umatilla School District
no school
McNary Heights Thankful Video Part One. Video agradecido de McNary Heights, primera parte.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Students at UHS are thinking about post-education! This week the Earth Science class and Talented and Gifted class visited Columbia Basin College for a tour and presentation. ¡Los estudiantes de UHS están pensando en la educación posterior! Esta semana visitaron el Columbia Basin College para un recorrido y una presentación.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Columbia Basin College Field Trip
Columbia Basin College Field Trip
Thank you to all parents and families who joined us for UHS and CBMS’s Thanksgiving Feasts this week! Also, huge thanks to our nutrition staff for putting these delicious meals together! To view more photos, please visit the Umatilla School District facebook page. ¡Gracias a todos los padres y familias que se unieron a nosotros para las Comidas de Acción de Gracias de UHS y CBMS esta semana! Además, ¡muchas gracias a nuestro personal de nutrición por preparar estas deliciosas comidas! Para ver más fotos, visite la página de Facebook del Distrito Escolar de Umatilla.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
CBMS Thanksgiving Feast
CBMS Thanksgiving Feast
CBMS Thanksgiving Feast
CBMS Thanksgiving Feast
Umatilla High School’s Key Club helped serve breakfast to many deserving veterans this last Friday! Great work, Vikings! ¡El Key Club de Umatilla High School ayudó a servir el desayuno a muchos veteranos merecedores el viernes pasado! ¡Buen trabajo, vikingos!
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
UHS Key Club
UHS Key Club
UHS Key Club
UHS Key Club
Mid-Columbia Bus Company has new leadership and is seeking the opinion of the parents to improve our service that is provided to your child every day. Your feedback is critical to the new team as this will help our long-term efforts to improve our service. Please fill out the attached survey to help us improve our service. It will take less than 5 minutes. Thank you in advance for your valuable insights. Your input will be used to ensure that we continue to meet your needs as your child’s school transportation provider. We appreciate your trust in us and look forward to serving you in the future.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
America is the land of the free because of the brave. Reminder, there is no school today, Friday, November 11, in honor of Veterans Day. No hay clases hoy, 11 de noviembre, en honor al Día de los Veteranos.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Veterans Day Post
Don’t forget to purchase tickets for the Thanksgiving Feasts! Tickets are being sold at conferences! ¡No olvide comprar boletos para las Comidas de Acción de Gracias! ¡Los boletos se están vendiendo en las conferencias!
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Thanksgiving Feast
Thanksgiving Feast
Thanksgiving Feast
UHS Shining Athletes! The Shining Athletes for the weeks of Oct. 13th and 20th were Gael, Mathew, Dacceli, Juli, Lily, Elizabeth, Ayden, Brian, Liam, Abigail, and Libby. For the weeks of Oct. 27th and Nov. 3rd, the winners were Robert, Andrea, Lindsey, Phoebe, and Alyssa. Congratulations, athletes, continue to SHINE bright! Thank you again, Umatilla Booster Club, for sponsoring shirts! ¡Atletas Brillantes de UHS! Los Atletas Brillantes de las semanas del 13 y 20 de octubre fueron Gael, Mathew, Dacceli, Juli, Lily, Elizabeth, Ayden, Brian, Liam, Abigail y Libby. Para las semanas del 27 de octubre y del 3 de noviembre, los ganadores fueron Robert, Andrea, Lindsey, Phoebe y Alyssa. ¡Felicitaciones atletas, sigan BRILLANDO! ¡Gracias a Umatilla Booster Club por patrocinar camisetas!
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Shining Athletes
Shining Athletes
Congratulations to UHS’s “Choose to SHINE” winners! These are the winners from the past month. The SHINE winners for the weeks of Oct. 13th and 23rd are Ivan, Rory, Angel, Cole, Oscar, Addalyn, Mrs. Dirksen, and Mrs. Erz. The winners for the weeks of Oct. 27th and Nov. 3rd are Sara, Patty, Jose, Valeria, Ryan, Kaylonni, Varik, Mrs. Tesch, and Mrs. Taylor. Winners were also chosen for students who took their time to SHINE during UHS’s Haunted School. The winners were Milo, Kade, Quin, Spencer, Felix, Daymian, Alejandro, Noelia, and Genesis. We are proud of all of you! ¡Felicitaciones a los ganadores de "Elige BRILLAR" de UHS! Estos son los ganadores del mes pasado. Los ganadores de SHINE para las semanas del 13 y 23 de octubre son Ivan, Rory, Angel, Cole, Oscar, Addalyn, Sra. Dirksen y la Sra. Erz. Los ganadores de las semanas del 27 de octubre y 3 de noviembre son Sara, Patty, José, Valeria, Ryan, Kaylonni, Varik, la Sra. Tesch y la Sra. Taylor. También se eligieron ganadores para los estudiantes que se tomaron su tiempo para BRILLAR durante la Escuela Embrujada de UHS. Los ganadores fueron Milo, Kade, Quin, Spencer, Félix, Daymian, Alejandro, Noelia y Génesis. ¡Estamos orgullosos de todos ustedes!
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Choose to SHINE
Choose to SHINE
Choose to SHINE
Umatilla School District Staff Spotlight
about 2 years ago, Karyna Lopez-Meraz
Umatilla School District Staff Spotlight
Thank you to everyone who supported our Vikings and visited UHS’s Haunted School! To view a few highlights from the night, watch the video below. ¡Gracias a todos los que apoyaron a nuestros Vikings y visitaron la Escuela Embrujada de UHS! Para ver cómo fue la noche, mire el video a continuación.
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Umatilla School District Staff Spotlight
about 2 years ago, Karyna Lopez-Meraz
Umatilla School District Staff Spotlight
The Umatilla High School Drama Club is performing a play! They will be performing “The Internet is a Distract…OH, LOOK, A KITTEN.” It will take place at the high school stage on November 17th and 18th at 7 pm, and there will be a matinee on November 19th at 2 pm. This performance is family-friendly and free! ¡El Club de Drama de la Escuela Preparatoria de Umatilla está presentando una actuación! Actuarán "El Internet es una distracción... OH, MIRA, UN GATITO". Será en la preparatoria los días 17 y 18 de noviembre a las 7pm, y habrá matiné el 19 de noviembre a las 2 pm. ¡Esta actuación es para toda la familia y gratis!
about 2 years ago, Elizebeth Burres
Drama Club Play Flyer