MAP testing make-ups are next week from 12:30-3:00 pm Monday - Friday for students who are unable to finish their tests this week. Please check your school email because Mrs. Madrigal will send the Google link for you to access the testing room Monday morning.
If you have any questions, please call CBMS at 541-922-6626.

Absences are excused today. If students are able to login, we are here and ready. If students are unable to login, please do not worry. There is no need to phone/email to excuse, we know your plate is extra full today. Meals will be delivered today, please be patient, some routes will be more challenging and could cause delays. Stay safe, Umatilla!

CBMS students, we LOVE that you are taking your MAPS testing seriously and appreciate your questions about it for this week. Do not worry though, we will offer it again next week so you have a strong experience and can do your best. If the power/internet is still down then, we'll reschedule it again for you. If you have internet/power, you'll take it this week. If you don't, you'll take it later. Either is just fine.

Important reminder:
MAP testing is next week at CBMS. You will not be attending your regular classes Tuesday-Thursday in order to provide plenty of time to complete these tests. You will be MAP testing with your advisory teacher. You may check in with them between 9am and 3 pm to complete your test. Remember to take your time and do your personal best. Your advisory teacher will reach out to you with more details.
Tuesday, Sept. 8th is the MAP Math test.
Wednesday, Sept. 9th is MAP Reading test.
Thursday, Sept. 10th is MAP Writing test.

If you are feeling a little lost about starting school Monday, here is a video that introduces CBMS teachers, guides you through our daily schedule, the Student and Family Online Handbook, and our new website and online portal. Check it out and if you have any questions, reach out to one of us!!

CBMS Vikings,
Online instruction begins Monday! Please make sure you have checked out a Chromebook at UHS, read the Family Online Handbook and are able to access your Google Classrooms! We are excited to see your faces and hear your voices!!

if you are confused as to what a student's day looks like, here is the daily schedule for online learning at CBMS.
If you have any questions, please attend either the 1:00 pm Q/A or the 7:00 pm Q/A today. The Google Meet links are located on the Clara Brownell Middle School web page, under "News".

Join us for Question and Answer Sessions with the Principals
McNary Heights:
Tuesday, August 25th
1:00 PM meet.google.com/hzq-wpqu-hwv
or phone 1 405-357-8347 PIN: 121 564 340#
7:00 PM meet.google.com/zmh-bksm-udz
or phone 1 929-251-6084 PIN: 678 567 222#
Clara Brownell
Wednesday, August 26th
1:00 PM meet.google.com/cou-vzug-xyq
or phone 1 516-274-8378 PIN: 910 482 767#
7:00 PM meet.google.com/rqk-dtub-rfc
or phone 1 470-268-2027 PIN: 450 012 008#
Umatilla High
Thursday, August
1:00 PM meet.google.com/cwq-ayhx-qob
or phone 1 607-414-3064 PIN: 966 842 503#
7:00 PM meet.google.com/khv-hmgm-sbi
or phone 1 929-324-9866 PIN: 808 357 419#

Bus routes for meal deliveries are posted. Please note, these will change as we adjust according to needs; however, we'll update this same link on Fridays when those changes need to occur. Need to sign up for meals? Email help@umatillasd.org

CBMS will be hosting 2 LIVE Q/A sessions August 26th at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm to answer any questions middle school parents and students may have about returning to school. The links to both Google Meet sessions have been posted on the Umatilla "District Calendar" page.
If you have any questions prior to these Q/A sessions, please feel free to contact Dawn Guentert at guentertd@umatillasd.org.

Congratulations to our CBMS poets! The following students were published by Pine Tree Poetry 2020. We are proud of you!
Valeria Alaniz-Benitez
Elizabeth Jaimes
Priscilla Aguiar
Paola Leon-Mendoza
Alyssa Bow
Liam Early
Kaylonni Schaefer
Stephanie Rivera
Beth White
Valery Palomni-Barajas
Jenaya Lemus
Ciralynn Larsen
Mia Rose Garcilazo
Mason Munoz
Finnian Clements
Rafael Garcia Sanchez
Justin Simpson
Kaiden Merrifield

OSAA released Athletic guidance for Fall on 07/22/2020: http://www.osaa.org/docs/osaainfo/OSAA_Media_Release_July_22.pdf

Need to register a new student? Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdIc3BISmyHHG4NQDgtBPgg0wa9tQIxQbG3P1cltKQhBZEvMw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2a89sy2bzALogPiABL5BYfIrkl4FJzNEjgIAxYDfy0tc-M4MW9oSYS0mo

Looking for this year's school supply list? Stop looking, because it does not exist. We know times are stressful with COVID so we used our donations from Amazon to purchase the following for each student:
1) Earbuds with microphone for online learning
2) Neck buff (for when we return to onsite hybrid instruction)
In addition, each student will have a Chromebook checked out for his/her/their use. A mouse is available for Kinder and first grade students and students with special needs for whom operating the mousepad on the Chromebook is challenging.
Also, basic supplies (pencils, pens, crayons, paper, etc.) will be on meal buses. If you need a supply, just ask at meal delivery. If projects require additional supplies, they'll be sent home on buses as well.