Becoming an effective leader can take a long time. Some students at Clara Brownell Middle School are getting a head start!
The students are participating in the school’s Leadership programs, which has a class for 7th Graders and a class for 8th Graders. Jeff Collins teaches 8th Grade Leadership and says his job is to let students’ natural talents be revealed through class projects. “It’s interesting to see how students learn skills, work together and help create a positive school climate. We also try to help them recognize what a leader is and get them ready to move to High School Leadership if they want to.” Carolina Valadez teaches 7th Grade Leadership.
CBMS Leadership works on multiple projects like planning assemblies, running concessions at sports events, promoting Spirit Week, community service, and celebrating student athletes.
Cindy, an 8th Grader, said she took the class because she likes to organize interesting things like the assemblies. She said she hopes the projects help her improve her public-speaking skills.
Another 8th Grader, Yoselin, said she took Leadership to build her skills and because it helps the school. “People think it’s hard or that community service is boring, but working with a group is really fun!”