Umatilla High School students have been working on attendance during February and March, with some healthy competition thrown in. UHS Leadership students came up with a Fabulous February competition between grade levels to see who could achieve the highest attendance for three weeks in a row.
Leadership students created signs to hang on walls around the school and created Instagram posts to promote good attendance.
The Freshmen won all three weeks in February. Then, the competition moved onto the March Madness portion, where it has come down to Freshmen vs. Sophomores. The winning class will be treated to a movie in Hermiston.
April Dirksen, Vice Principal at UHS, said although attendance fluctuates quite a bit at the high school level due to students participating in various sports and student activities off campus, she feels any reminders to students about attendance are beneficial. “Any time we can remind our students that showing up to school every day is one of the most important ways to succeed academically and graduate from high school is a win!” Dirksen said.