
Make-Up days from our school closures have been approved by the school board. Spring Conferences will now be April 20th and 21st. The last day of school will now be June 9th for students. 

The 2023-24 calendar is available here. Of note in this calendar:

  • October 6th- no school to support Umatilla Rock the Locks Community Day. This is the first year of this major event and we want to be certain it is off to a great start. To help with traffic flow and management, we’ll cancel school for this kick-off year and monitor the event to know if this will be an annual cancellation (like Round-Up in Pendleton) or if we’ll be able to have both the event and school in future years.
  • Winter break is the final week of December and the first week of January. This gives us two full weeks off with no partial weeks in December to maximize instructional time.
  • June 1st is high school graduation.