McNary Mustangs are getting ready to show how much they LOVE reading with their annual Read Across America week February 27 – March 3!
Students and staff are encouraged to participate in these Dress-Up Days:
Monday 2/27: Hat Day! Wear your favorite hat.
Tuesday 2/28: Twin Day! Find a friend and dress the same to be twins for the day.
Wednesday 3/1: Wacky Hair Day! Come to school with wacky, crazy hair.
Thursday 3/2: Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! Dress like your favorite book character.
Friday 3/3: McNary Heights School Pride Day! Wear school colors to show McNary Heights loves reading!
Each day of Read Across America week there will be Guest Readers who visit different classrooms to read their favorite books. These will include Principal Nicole Coyle, Vice Principal Tim Young, Superintendent Heidi Sipe and more.
The week will culminate with two events on Friday. One is the Book Parade, which consists of each class choosing a favorite book and creating a float for the parade about the book. Each class designates four students to parade with their float around the playground. The second event is the final Battle of the Books battle, which the entire school attends. Battle of the Books is a double elimination reading tournament for third, fourth and fifth graders. More than 30 teams have participated at McNary this year. Vice Principal Young will serve as the battle master for this final battle.
Principal Coyle said Read Across America Week is always fun. “A love of books and reading is something we really want to instill in students, and this week of activities is one of the ways we try to do this,” Coyle said.
Photos of last years Read Across America Week.