School Board Information
Board Members
Chair: Lesly Claustro-Sanguino Pos 6. 2021-25
Travis Eynon, Pos. 1, 2021-25
Jorge Meza, Pos. 7, 2021-25
Jon Lorence Pos. 4, 2023-27
Steve Warr Pos. 2, 2023-27
Toby Cranston, Pos. 3, 2023-27
Josiah Barron, Pos. 5, 2023-27
Board Advisor Veronica Gutierrez, 2024-25
Board Advisor Jazmin Martinez, 2024-25
Goals & Policies
Budget Documents
Board Meetings
Board meetings are traditionally held the second Thursday of each month at 7:00PM in the district office boardroom. On occasion, meetings are moved, please check the calendar to verify the dates for each month. For meeting information for all scheduled meetings, please refer to the Umatilla School District Calendar.
Visitor's Guide for Board Meetings: English/Spanish
For Board packets and minutes, please refer to BoardBook.
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join.
Webinar ID: 871-8562-7100# Passcode: 098588
Join by phone: 1-253-205-0468 PIN: 871-8562-7100#
Public Input: The Board accept written public comment for the meeting or in-person comments limited to three minutes per person. The Board is committed to the public comment process and will consider all public comment. Please send written comments or testimony to via this survey or submit written comments to the Umatilla School District Office by 3 pm the day of the School Board meeting. Clearly label the subject line as: "Public comment" or "Testimony" and include the topic. Example: "Public Comment: Assessment." All written public comment will become part of the public record for the meeting. The Board sincerely appreciates your input, and thanks you for your participation.
Do you have feedback about a State or Federal mandate? Please remember, the Umatilla School District may only make local decisions as authorized. Please provide feedback for state issues to Governor Kotek or contact our Legislators: Represenative Greg Smith, or Senator Hansell. For Federal issues, please contact Representative Bentz or Senator Wyden or Senator Merkley.
Prior Meeting Minutes
Our Meeting Minutes after October 13, 2022 can now be found in the link below.
October 13, 2022, Meeting Minutes | Workshop Minutes
August 11, 2022, Meeting Minutes | Workshop Minutes
July 2022- No Meeting
September 09, 2021, Meeting Minutes | Workshop Minutes
July 2021 - No Meeting
July 2019 - No Board Meeting

Superintendent Advisory Council