Umatilla High School Attendance Spotlight
Umatilla High School students are proving they are VERY happy to be back in school full time and in person! During the first two weeks of school, 100 students at UHS had perfect attendance – no absences of any kind (even an excused one for an appointment) and no tardies.
April Dirksen, UHS Vice Principal, said this represents 24% of the student population who achieved this awesome attendance record. “It’s really exciting that our students are so committed and happy to be back in school, and I think it shows that they have really missed being physically at school,” Dirksen said.
The 100 students each received a ticket from Rae’s Dayz for a free donut for their accomplishment. The UHS Leadership Class is creating more ways to honor students with perfect attendance this year. The leadership theme of “212 – Extra Degree of Effort” comes from the concept that at 211 degrees, water is hot, but at 212 degrees, it boils; with boiling water, comes steam and with steam, you can power a large machine, so one extra degree makes all the difference. Dirksen said they are encouraging all UHS students to give that extra degree of effort this year.
Students who have perfect attendance in the next three weeks will earn a “Be the One” T-shirt designed by the Leadership Class and printed by Viking Productions.